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Benefits and examples of how to use technology in the classroom

Need help with keeping your students engaged during your math block(or really any time of the day)… Go grab my 10 tips for engaging your students during math time…

This is an image of Andrea Cananua and she is going to explain the benefits and give examples of how to use technology in the classroom

Let’s face it: kids gravitate towards technology.  When I was a kid I would run and play outside until the streetlight came on or it was dinner time.  Today kids would rather be inside on their devices. They love to play video games and be on social media rather than run outside and play. As teachers, we need to leverage our student’s interests and invest in incorporating technology into the classroom. Let me show you how…

Technology in the classroom

Many teachers feel technology is daunting and too hard to incorporate. Let me tell you that YOU can do it!  I have taught many teachers in my school how to incorporate technology into their lessons and I am here to help you too.

This is a quote by John Dewey about technology in the classroom.

Technology in elementary classroom

John Dewey said, ” If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” As teachers, we are lifelong learners and our aim should always be what is best for our students. US News ran an article on the 100 best jobs. Within the top 50 jobs, 20 of them were directly working within the tech field.  The other 30 all used tech on a daily basis but were not directly involved in technology. That’s 40% of the top jobs in the US. We are doing our students a disservice if we are not training them to take over the jobs that are out there today.

This is a quote by David Warlick about technology in the classroom.

Integrating technology into an elementary classroom

So how do you integrate technology into your classroom?  Just starting somewhere is the key. David Warlick said, “ we need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of the world.”

So how much technology does your school offer? Do you have a smart tv? Do you have devices for every student? If not, do you have to check them out?  All of these questions help lead you to how much technology is doable for you.

If you have devices for every student in your room, start incorporating a technology station in your ELA and math centers.  There are websites that are free to use and very user-friendly. I will list a few below for you. Just like your students need to practice their handwriting, they need to practice their typing skills as well. Typing Club is a great resource that students can practice for FREE!

This is an image of the computer program typing club. Andrea explains the benefits of using this as a tool with your students.

Free websites for every elementary teacher

Class Dojo

Are you looking for a great classroom management system?  Class Dojo allows schools and teachers to communicate more effectively with families through photos, videos, and messages that can all be sent to parents.  They also offer a reward system for you to reward your students.  One thing I love about class dojo is the lesson plans. They have fantastic social-emotional lessons for you to incorporate all year long.

This is an image of the program Class Dojo. Andrea explains the importance of using this as a classroom management tool.


Are you looking for a formative assessment that will keep your students engaged and love learning?  Plicker is the tool for you.  They are a free card activity that you can integrate into any lesson.

This is an image of the program Plickers. Andrea explains how you can use this as an assessment tool for your students.


Freckle is a platform that differentiates lessons for every student. Students love it because it’s engaging. You will love it because it’s effective. They have both math and ELA lessons.  On the free platform, you get a few lessons a week and this is enough.  You can push out specific standards or let students explore whatever topic they choose. 

This is an image of the program Freckle. Andrea explains how this is a tool to engage your students in math and ELA skills.

Teaching technology in an elementary classroom

So whether you are looking for a website that you want your students to navigate or a tool that you can use to support student learning there is technology out there to help you. “ Education is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change the world,” according to Nelson Mandela. As teachers we need to keep up with best practices and technology is where our world is turning.  These are the jobs of the future and we are training the future in our classrooms.

This image is a quote by Nelson Mandela about the importance of education.

Technology in the classroom pros and cons

Pros of technology in the classroom

  1. It keeps your students engaged

Students love to play games and be on any device.  By leveraging this you will keep them engaged in the learning process. When students are engaged they are more likely to retain the information we are giving them and in turn, they will be able to use the skills we are teaching them.  If we avoid technology because we are afraid of it we are missing out on the lessons we cant teach our students.  

  1. Our world is turning into a technology-driven workforce

Jobs that were once great middle-class jobs are now either being outsourced or made into a technology shortcut.  Jobs like manufacturing are now using machines to help build and no longer need a person to operate.  This means that jobs are changing and we need to look at what they are changing to.  Right behind healthcare jobs (which still rains #1) are information security analysts or tech fields.  By giving our students training in tech younger, we are preparing them for where they are going as adults.

  1. Makes teaching easier 

Technology makes teaching so much easier.  I no longer grade countless worksheets or assessments.  The technology platforms I use in my classroom do it for me.  Think about how much time you would save on grading and planning if you just incorporated a little bit of technology into your classroom.

In this image Andrea is giving a tip about adding technology into the classroom slowly. There is also an image of a girl on a laptop device.

Cons of technology in the classroom

  1. Too much technology is not beneficial

If you are just putting technology in front of your students and they are just being entertained by it then you need to rethink how you are using your tech.  Classrooms still need to have time away from technology.

  1. Students don’t get the basic skills

If we spend too much time on the computer and not enough time writing or in conversation with one another we lose out on important skills.  It is important to learn how to type but it is also important to have nice handwriting, do mental math, communicate well with others, and be able to read a real book.  Students need time to get the basic skills as well as have the technology.

  1. High learning curve

Let’s face it: learning a new skill can take time.  Learning new ways to teach your students can take time.  This may take away from other areas of your classroom that you neglect.  That’s why I suggest starting small and working your way upward.  Incorporating technology into any classroom is going to be a learning curve and I want you to be successful so take it slow.  Add more when you are ready.

In this image Andrea is explaining the pros and cons of using technology in the classroom. There are no pictures in this image.

More ideas to answer your question, “ How do I incorporate technology into my classroom?”

  1. Start small.  Use only one platform and when you get comfortable add another.
  2. Teach your students to respect technology
  3. Allow yourself to make mistakes and give yourself grace

Need more ideas? Head to these great resources:

Don’t forget to download my article, 10 tips for engaging students during your math block. I give ideas on how to keep your students working and interested in the learning process.

Remember: You have the ability to add technology to your classroom. Start small and just get started.  You got this! If you found this article helpful let me know below. I would love to connect and hear how you will be using these tools in your own classroom. Until we connect again…

This is Andrea Cananua's closing signature. She is tell you she is signing off of this post but you should go and check out another one of her resources.

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